
MAQ Software Interview Experience Set 1.

Posted by Admin on
Aptitude Test

The first round was conducted on 15th November 2012,Ist round held on 14:00 and of 50 minutes.first round consists of 75 multiple choice questions based on c and c++ outputs,error finding, data structures
basic concepts database and little bit of networks and operating systems concepts,they are of moderate to hard difficulty level. I was able to solve most of them in the given time.

Programming Round 

2nd round which lasted for 30 minutes and included 2 programming questions.
Que 1. First question is to sort a given string in the alphabetical order,it was specified in question that we can ignore cases and special characters. I was able to solve this in O(n) complexity using the hash
table, and wrote code for it.

Que 2. The next question is a bit tricky one it states that you have a huge file containing in and out time of employees you have to find the number of employees present at in office at any given time.
In-time  out-time
8:30     5:00
11:00    3:00
9:00     2:00
Given time: 3:45

Technical Interviews :

I got a call form hr the very next day saying you are shortlisted for next round.she asked me few questions about myself projects,education etc.

Then on 19th November i had a Skype interview,he asked me few questions about the c,c++,java,dbms,sql queries,OS and networking interview lasted about 40 minutes.he also asked me to write simple
recursion algorithm for Fibonacci.

After sometime hr called me saying that i have cleared this round and the next round is on 20th over Skype again...

On 20th i had another Skype round and this time the interviewer is very pretty 😉😃.. She also asked me basics of the same thing that is basics of java,c,c++ etc.. But this time she got me, she tricked me sometimes at various questions but somehow i managed to dodge them...😌

I was thinking that i may not clear this round but hr again called me that you have shortlisted for next round and scheduled it the very next day that is 21st.

On the next day again a senior team lead skype'd me asking again all basics of core concepts of c,c++,java,os,networking etc...

Questions to note on last interview she asked me what 2 things you look for buying a bottle of water. And the other is you have a simple form having a username and password what scenarios would you look for while testing this page
E.g. : no of times password entered,sql injection,null values, encrypted password or not,redirection etc etc....
Finally I got selected at MAQ software  @4.25 lakh per annum didn't joined because of some different. reasons.

Thanks Aditya for sharing your interview experience . If you also want to share your interview experience and help other job seekers  then you can contribute to everybrickmatters and you can mail you interview experience on everybrickmatters@gmail.com .   

1 comment:

  1. programing round 2nd question how is it 2(output)..it should be 1
