

Find loop in a Linked List

Que : Write a program to check whether there is a loop in linked list . For example see in the following figure we have loop : Method 1...

Joins in Database

Explain all the Joins ? An SQL join clause combines records from two or more tables in a database. It creates a set that can be saved as ...

Aricent Group Interview Experience Set 1

Aptitude Test The aptitude test was conducted online and consisted of 4 parts 1. English 2. Mathematical Aptitude 3. Computers( pseudo...

MAQ Software Interview Experience Set 1.

Aptitude Test The first round was conducted on 15th November 2012,Ist round held on 14:00 and of 50 minutes.first round consists of 75 mu...

Measure 45 minutes using two candles

Que :  You are given a match-box and two candles of equal size, which can burn 1 hour each. You have to measure 45 minutes with these candl...

SQL Complex Queries Interview Question Set 1

Que : You are given a table named Employee with columns EmployeeId, Name , ManagerId in it. Write an SQL statement to find out all the mana...

One Rupee Mystery Puzzle

Que : Three friends rent a room for Rs.30 by paying Rs.10 each. The owner decides to give them a discount Rs.5 and gives it to the broker. ...

Heavy or Light Weight Ball Puzzle

Que : You have eight balls: seven are the same weight, and one is heavier or lighter than the rest. Given a scale that only tells you which...

Maximum 5 elements from 3 given Array

Write a program to find out the maximum 5 distinct elements from the 3 given array . For example if we are given three array as follows : ...

Sapient Nitro Interview Solution Set -1

Round 1 : Written Round (Technical + Aptitude) Round 2: (Technical Interview) Que: What is the difference between C and C++? C:- ...

3 Room Puzzle

There are three rooms, and there are Princess, Flowers and Snake in those rooms. The doors of all the rooms have incorrect nameplates. i.e....

Power of 2

Write a program to check whether the given number is a power of 2 or not . For example if the given number is 8 then it should print true e...

Swapping two number using third variable or without using third variable

Write a program two swap two number using third or without using third variable. For example if we have two  num1=5 and num2 =6 then after ...

Basic Linux Commands

Pwd: pwd command will print your home directory on screen, pwd means print working directory. /u0/ssb/ishant is output for the command ...

Explain Volatile Keyword in C

Volatile keyword is intended to prevent the compiler from applying certain optimizations which it might have otherwise applied because ordi...

Big Endian vs Little Endian

Big-endian and little-endian are terms that describe the order in which a sequence of bytes are stored in computer memory. Big-endian   ...

Move all zeroes to the end of array

Given an array , write a program to move all the zero to the end of array . For example if the given array is { 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 5 }...

Count number of leaf nodes in a binary tree

Write a program to count the number of leaf nodes in a binary tree . For example if we have the following tree then it must return 3(as it ...

String literal vs String Object in Java

How many objects will be created in the following cases : 1) String s1 = new String ("Everybrickmatters"); 2) String s2= &quo...